Old couple sitting in the park, smiling

Be Champions Of F.A.S.T. Support

One needs to be alert and quick to help save a stroke victim and/or prevent disability. When stroke strikes, human nervous tissue is rapidly lost as stroke progresses.

Be Stroke Aware

A brain stroke or a ‘brain attack’ is a condition in which blood flow to the brain is obstructed, causing the death of brain cells and tissues within minutes. The condition strikes an estimated 18 lakh Indians each year, claiming nearly 7 lakh lives and causing severe long-term disability in more than half of all patients. This is largely a result of lack of awareness and delayed access to diagnostic tools and treatment.

With increased awareness, each one can help save the lives of stroke victims. One needs to be alert and quick to help save a stroke victim and/or prevent disability. When stroke strikes, human nervous tissue is rapidly lost as stroke progresses. The diagnosis and treatment need to be quick within the golden period of 4.5 hours from the onset of symptoms.

The condition strikes an estimated 18 lakh Indians each year, claiming nearly 7 lakh lives and causing severe long-term disability in more than half of all patients. The diagnosis and treatment need to be quick within the golden period of 4.5 hours from the onset of symptoms.

Focused hourglass with bokeh background

Did You Know?

Infographic image with stroke stats and data

Find A Stroke Ready Center Near You

A stroke ready center is a hospital with 24/7 rapid diagnostic procedures like CT (Computed tomography scan) scans and a dedicated stroke response team, equipped to provide emergency stroke care.


Identifying The Signs Can Help Save Lives


Stroke awareness is critical to improving stroke outcomes in India. Patients who receive medical attention within the ‘golden period’ of 4.5 hours have a lower risk of severe disability or mortality.
Be stroke aware to recognize the warning signs
and help save lives.

 Icons describing different symptoms of stroke

More Knowledge. Better Control.

Old man sitting in yoga pose and smiling

The Emotional And Mental Health Impact Of A Stroke

What Happens During A Stroke & How To Recognize The Warning Signs

What Happens During A Stroke & How To Recognize The Warning Signs


Saving A Stroke Victim Doesn’t Cost You Much. Just BE F.A.S.T Aware

Young daughter hugging other sitting in a chair
Patient's Corner
Helping patients and their loved ones to learn more about their condition.
Doctor placing a hand on patient's hand
Caregiver's Corner
Providing information and resources to help support and guide patients.